Friday, August 25, 2017

George Miller "Mill"


It's a tough world, Mill understands that. He doesn't know how it was before, he doesn't know what "before" is even supposed to mean. It's all rust, and blood, and death. It's easy to see. It's all about who will hit first, who will beat first. 

It's about "grinding" them to dust. That's why they call him Mill. He'll grind them, yes. He'll hurt them, yes. Because that's all there is. Enforcer Elon showed him, when he left him coughing blood in the dirt. Fair fight, fair win. Doesn't matter. No one in this rotten world deserves to live. We're just counting the grains, one by one, as they fall down into oblivion. Mill knows, he's just here to speed up the process.

It's a dying world, Mill understands that. And that's the only way to build a new one. First you must destroy the old one.

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